April 24, 2008

Go Go Go~!!

Mood: excited!
Listening to: Justin Timberlake feat T.I - Let Me Talk To You/My Love

I am in a state of blurriness as I'm typing this. Why, you ask? Simply because I only slept for four hours last night in total.

Tonight is the start of our church camp - entitled "No Limits". I am part of the committee, so my friends and I had a final meeting last night at church with our pastors as well. We prayed for the camp and sang praises, and then continue on with the preparation for the activities. Ka Ira, San-San and Ci Hulda did a great job in preparing the goodie bags beforehand, so it was ready yesterday when we had the meeting! Good job :)

So, this time I got to be in the Activities Committee - just like the last camp we had. I couldn't spill details on what's gonna happen in the camp but I just want to warn you guys who's coming - be afraid. Be VERY afraid *evil laugh*. And by default, I have to do the morning exercise as well. The so-called 'Senam Kesegaran Jasmani' aka SKJ 88 (translated to english: Body Freshener Aerobics *what the?*). This time I'm going to do Inul's infamous goyang ngebor a combination of stretching, body jam, body combat and who knows, maybe some push-ups and sit-ups as well.

who knows I might get you to lift weights!

Luckily, I have my 'assistant' - Meli - with me this time to do it together, so it's gonna double the suffering fun! We stayed at church last night until 12:30 am, trying to sort out what music to use, what sort of embarassments aerobics movements we're going to have, and so on and so forth. I was soaked with sweat at the end of the night, and have to take shower again when I went back home (mind you, I had already taken a shower right before I went to the meeting!!) and then packed away for the camp - which has not been finished as we speak (I hope I can get it done in time later!).

The funny thing is, I wasn't excited about the camp as I used to at first. I was - to be honest - skeptical about it - because there are way less attendants this time, lack of organizations, and obviously not enough time frame to prepare for it as well. So I was going just for the sake to 'do my job description' and not expecting anything from this camp.

But last night when we prayed together, I felt a sudden urge in my heart to pray for excitement and enthusiasm from the attendants. I did pray for it. It's like God reminded me that, this camp, is not about the events, or how many people are going to attend it. He did say on the bible that even if there's only two or three people who gathered in His name, He will be there with them. The purpose of this camp is to be with God. To reconnect. To go back to basic - the Blesser.

So we prayed. We believe that God is going to do something great in this camp for us! He will do a revival - but only if our hearts are willing to accept it. Afterall, He did give us freewill to make choices. But nonetheless, He will bless us and He will be there with us in the camp - and of course we will have fun!

I came home last night - with expectations and excitement for the camp. I just know for sure that God will answer prayers, will lightened up our paths, will mend the broken heart, will help us to go through whatever our problems are. I can't tell you why I'm so certain, because I just am. Afterall, sometimes you can just 'be' without knowing the reason why, right? :)

Here we go, guys! No limits, no boundaries - break forth, and enlarge our territories. Be excited because we are going to be blessed!



2 thoughts:

Dian said...

Tazhh~~ mo ikut....

will we be expecting interesting inu...i mean aerobic videos on youtube soon then ? =p


Anonymous said...

gooo tass...!!!! jiayoooo!!
willy wonka willy wonkaaa!!

err.. you don't know me.. :p