- "WOW!! How did you get that job??!! You're so LUCKYY!!" - people who know what Morrison is.
- "er... what is Morrison yah?" - people who have no idea what Morrison is (mostly guys!)
- "OHHHHH.. yg designer itu kannnn?? yg cowo kepalanya botak" - people who mistaken Morrison to MORRISEY! that's two different thing, dahling!
To set the record straight, let me explain to you what and who Morrison is.
No no, the girl is not Morrison. He is the charming black dog sitting there in the portrait! Morrison is a labrador-kelpie dog owned by the two owners of the business, husband and wife, Richard Poulson and Kylie Radford.
Richard tackles with the development, concept and management of the business, while Kylie is the genius behind the Morrison design. The business started five years ago, and now has been quite a well-known high end fashion label in Australia.
Morrison currently has five stores around Australia. Three in WA (Fremantle, Claremont and Garden City), one in Paddington and a child-store called Mini Morri in Fremantle as well. The Morrison design is unique, well-tailored with exclusive fabrics imported from Europe. Morrison is famous for its pants design called 'The Good Butt Pant' since it sits perfectly and make your bum looks good (trust me, I've tried different styles of the pants and it IS that good!).
I've always wanted a job in Fashion. I know that God provides this job as a stepping stone for me and I am confident that it won't stop here. I love working at Morrison! My colleagues are very friendly, funky and easy-going, the work environment is great great great, and last but not least... FREE CLOTHES!
Typical? I know :)